Give Me Five birthday memories from your life or of someone else.
1. My 30th Birthday party- Julie, a friend and colleague of mine had a birthday party at her house for my 30th birthday. It was my second birthday after Roby died and she knew what a milestone it was for me, so she invited all my friends in the interpreting/Deaf world over. It was a lovely birthday...I have photos that I will have to scan and add later. Thanks, Julie!
2. Roby's 21st birthday - His birthday was on Thanksgiving that year - November 26, 1987 (I believe). We had dinner at his mother's house - the whole family was there. Shirlee and Bob, Debee and her husband and daughter, Teri and Chris and their son and daughter, Shirlee's sister Patti, cousins Tammy and Tanya. Bob's stepmother, Lucille, probably Bob's sister, Jane. Maybe Bob's son, Eric. Maybe some more cousins...they set up a big table (maybe a pingpong table) in the sitting room and everyone sat out there. I was always late to dinner because I had Thanksgiving with my family first. Roby always saved me a few mashed potatoes. He had to dish them up because if he didn't, they would all be gone immediately. Man, that family can eat. :) After dinner, they all started to get ready to go out. I wasn't really sure what we were going to do...they decided to go to this bar that is no longer in existance...on Broadway downtown...I will have to try to figure out a name. It was a PSU jock bar...ummm...hi?! So, for Roby's 21st birthday, Shirlee and Bob and Patti and Teri and Debee and Tammy and I got all gussied up to go to a jock bar. I was a little freaked out because I was only 20 at the time and I was pretty sure I would get arrested for being under age, so Teri gave me an old driver's license of hers. I shouldn't have was easy enough. The bar wasn't superbusy since it was Thanksgiving night...everyone was drinking, but I hadn't really had much alcohol before that except for some champagne and some kahlua and creme a few times. That night, we drank tequila poppers. Those things go straight to your brain. I don't think we got drunk...just had a few drinks. The next night, I'm pretty sure that we went to CC Slaughters and set the path of our lives after that...
3. My 12th Birthday party - I lived in Panama City, Florida and we were about a month from moving to Oregon. I had a party with all my friends there - Drew Keriakedes, Bart Sloan, Thalia Smith, Tina Ritter, Dee Dee Small, Mercedes Delory, maybe Nina Haanio. Those were the main people I remember. I had a HUGE crush on Bart and Drew. I think we actually played "Spin the Bottle" on the patio and I ended up kissing one of them...can't remember which one all these years later. I was really heartbroken about leaving all my friends. We stayed in touch for a couple of years, but then, as most kids do, we all lost touch. I don't have any photos from that year that I remember...I will have to look. I remember that I wore a blue skirt outfit with flowers on it. And my hair was cut in that short feathered way that I had for many years. My mom always loved it, but I thought it was too short. It was a bittersweet birthday.
4. January 9, 1996 - Just a day after Roby died, it was my dad's birthday. I don't remember much but my family offered to postpone the celebration. I couldn't think why we would do that because I felt like I would never EVER feel happy again, so why put it off? We had a nice party, but I could tell that my dad felt bad to be having a birthday party. It was low key - we had dinner and opened some gifts and probably had some cake. It wasn't very joyous, though. Sad. Now they are both gone.
5. July 13, 1984 - My 17th birthday (it might have been my 18th birthday...)...had a big party and all the drama people showed up. ALL of them...Jeffa was extremely late and disappeared into my bedroom for more than an hour...then disappeared for the rest of the evening. Roby and Duane were there, Charles, Jim, Angie, Jenny M. and Jenny R., some of the juniors and sophomores..Later, I found out that Jeffa had been making out with Jim somewhere most of the evening. When she arrived, she had gone immediately upstairs to write a long and lovely card to me for my birthday, but I was so mad that I couldn't really appreciate it...That night was a huge bone of contention for us - I just couldn't fathom that the person who I spent most of my time with for YEARS would behave in this way. (I was not that smart when it came to issues of raging hormones at the time). Thus began a rocky year...she was going through lots of stuff that I didn't know about and I guess I wasn't that supportive (I didn't know what was going on). I still have difficulty understanding the whole, "I'm in love and therefore I can't talk to you" attitude, although I am more familiar with the concept now.
So those are my birthday memories so far...I'm sure there are more, but these are the ones that came to mind.
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