They thought the snow was going to come in at around 3:00pm, but it started WAY EARLY. I finally left work at 1:30pm and made it home by 6:30pm. I had music, radio news, a good heater, a full tank of gas and lots of patience. I just decided I would make it home safe and try not to stress out.
I drove from Vancouver, WA to my home via I-5 South to 405. I couldn't get onto Sunset Highway because the onramp was filled with spin outs after 2 hours sitting at a standstill on the top deck of the Fremont Bridge. Ugh. When I realized that the Frement lane I was in was not moving (for like an hour), I moved over and then heard on the radio that there was an accident just on the west side of the tunnel, so no wonder! So I took the 6th Street exit as it was getting dark out and drove Barbur Boulevard around to the Burlingham Fred Meyer and took that road up behind the Fred Meyer to go down to Beaverton Hillsdale Highway and then all the way home.
I have photos on my Blackberry, but the email function isn't working, so I'm trying to figure out how to get them transferred off the phone. It was 16 degrees out when I got home. There were about 4-5 inches of snow and it was still coming down. Tomorrow looks to be another mess, so we'll see what it looks like in the morning.
Be safe out there. I will be packing an overnight bag to keep in the car for next time. You'd think I would have already done that. Denial is a powerful thing.

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