Monday, January 20, 2014

Art Projects

So, right now, I'm working on the Brene Brown/Oprah LifeCourse - "The Gifts of Imperfection", which includes some art journaling. I don't think I will always post what I do as it is supposed to be very personal work, but for now, I'm willing to share some of what I'm doing.  I'm also doing "The Documented Life" Project but I'm behind and I already didn't know how to do something and did it wrong already. I'm trying to get over myself about that (this is related to the class that I don't want to pay a monthly fee for).  I'm also working with another art journal which is helping me to get over the problems I have been having with "The Decorated Life" planner (from here on out, TDL planner).

Anyway, here are some works in progress photos:

This is the original composition book style

This is a side by side comparison of the front of one decorated comp book

Back side of comp books

Yellow book - glued pages. Compared with regular comp book

The Gifts of Imperfection

Permission slips

The Decorated Life planner (TDL)

More TDL Planner

Mighty moleskine with washi tape on the edges

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