1. Day 119 : SOTTS : I Will Be Your Ambulance If You Will Be My Accident, 2. Vindaloo, 3. IMG_3754, 4. vintage tea set with cupcake, 5. Gordon Ramsey, 6. lemon drop, 7. extraordinary symbols, 8. Two-toned chocolate peanut butter fudge, 9. Day 106 - I am a librarian, 10. Each war is different, each war is the same, 11. Confidence, Strength, Integrity…., 12. sunset
I didn't get tagged (I don't leave comments on blogs or anything so it's pretty hard to get tagged), but I like this meme, so I thought I would do it.
Here’s how it works . . .
• Answer each of the questions below.
• Surf over to Flickr (set up an account if you don’t have one–it’s quick and easy) and type your answers (one at a time) into the search bar.
• From the choice of pictures shown only on the front page, click on the one that moves you.
• Once the page with your picture opens, copy the URL.
• Surf over to the Mosaic Maker, set up your mosaic, and paste your URLs.
• Click “Create!”
1. What is your first name? Jean
2. What is your favorite food? Indian (vindaloo)
3. What High School did you attend? Aloha High School
4. What is your favorite color? Pink
5. Who is your celebrity crush? Gordon Ramsey
6. What is your favorite drink? Lemon Drop
7. Where would you go on your dream vacation? San Torini Island
8. What is your favorite desert? peanut butter fudge
9. What do you want to be when you grow up? Author
10. What do you love most in life? Family
11. Choose one word to describe yourself. Integrity
12. What is your Flickr name? Wild Rumpus (I had to remove the ING because nothing matched at first).
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