1. "And now," cried Max, "let the wild rumpus start!", 2. 2 elephants bathing, crystal clear sea, white sand, wild jungle..., 3. Pink Sherbet Ultimate Colors Mosaic, 4. my favourite pink doll shoes, 5. My pink shoes, 6. Pink Candy Buffet, 7. New Pink Shoes, 8. special brownies, 9. Picture Frame, 10. Faith's birthday pink cupcakes!, 11. Making Mess Part Two, 12. wall of books, 13. Montreal Colors Pink, 14. Kathmandu Colors, 15. Orders Sorted, 16. Lilly, 17. Taj Mahal at sunset, 18. "The Price Of Freedom", 19. Young sâdhu, Allahabad. India 2007, 20. Rangoli, 21. PINK CANDIES, 22. Pink Shoe Cake, 23. Toji, 24. Padmanabhan - the king, 25. Giraffes at Sunset, Etosha Pan #3, 26. ganesha, remover of obstacles, 27. Taj Mahal, 28. Pink ~ suesue2, this is for you :), 29. Indiana Jones and the Quest for the Perfect Pink Cupcake, 30. Craft Room, 31. Pink Riding Shoes, 32. the rest of the pink doll shoes, 33. Hindu colours, 34. I can see you!, 35. "Timemachines", 36. a cupcake for Jan
I just liked the process of the photo meme from yesterday, so I continued on my exploration of colors and photos that caught my eye...It's funny how you just fall into a rabbit hole with these things. One thing leads to another and another. Fun. Enjoy the images.
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