I will be going in to see if I can purchase the book "Life is a Verb" by Patti Digh. I am VERY excited to get it and I might, in fact, buy it for my friends who will be meeting me tomorrow.

My good friends from California, whom I haven't seen in a LONG time, are driving up from the Sacramento area to visit with me tomorrow. I wish it was a longer stay, but alas, it is just for the day. Shari, Barbara and Carol will be meeting me at my hotel at around noon-ish. I can't wait to see them.

Barbara and Shari (Reno Christmas party)
Who knows if I will be able to use the business center in this place to keep you all updated. The first hotel I stayed in down there had a little computer in the lobby, but the @ key didn't work, so I couldn't post because I couldn't even log into my account. Sigh. The second place had a business center that was busy EVERY TIME I checked, so I finally gave up. Suffice to say, I may or may not be able to update my adventures before I come home next Friday.
I have a wicked schedule here for a couple of weeks...1 week in Oakland, signed performance "Phantom of the Opera" on Sept. 4, teaching a workshop Sept. 12, 13,14 (I think those are the right dates) and Region V Interpreting Conference in Sacramento September 24-28. I'm also supposed to start teaching that week. YIKES!!
I hope you were able to find Life is a Verb! I appreciate your excitement for it - and hope it lives up to your expectations! love, patti