In her November 27 post, the 37Days Challenge is to "Give Thanks" and to "Create a list of 37 people who have helped you" and tell them about it. When I saw that December's Nablopomo theme was "THANKS!", I couldn't resist the pull. It seemed like I was supposed to spend December being Thank-Full. I know there are only 31 Days in December, but I am hoping to get on such a roll that I can keep doing this for a while. :)
I'm a believer in signs and I can't help feeling like small and large events were just pushing me in this direction - the posting, the Nablopomo theme, being sick at Thanksgiving so that I postponed my Thanks-giving until I started feeling better. I have been trying to find ways to really be in the moment and enjoy the people in my life. This is the perfect blend of all of those things, with a little bit of nostalgia thrown in. I suspect that many of these people will end up being folks I haven't thought of in a very long time. Hopefully, in this process, I will be able to find some of them. I don't want to just post here. I want to do the challenge and let these people know that I think of them and I thank them for their roles in my life. What an exciting month this is going to be!
Day one of Thanks-Giving: I want to say a big thank you to Patti Digh for this challenge, for her blog, for the heart that she puts out there for us all to see and to gain strength from. I am inspired by her words, by her quest to change the world one step at a time. She is the most recent addition to my list of people I want to thank, but an important one because I might not be doing this if she hadn't suggested it in such a timely fashion. Thank you. Life IS a verb. Thank you for reminding me.
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