Friday, December 26, 2008

Day 26: Amy M.

Today, Day 26, I want to thank Amy. Amy is a quiet, steady pulse in the lives of my circle of friends. She is strong, beautiful, opinionated, but quiet. Her sense of self is strong but she does not take her place among those of us who wield our personal power to entertain.

Amy is a see-er (yes, I make up my own words). She watches us all and sees everything. Her heart is big and open and beautiful.

I don't know when I first met Amy because we just always moved in groups together. She was the victim of many of our practical jokes - some of which I didn't realize/remember having perpetrated...(Todd's grandpa's ashes to name one).

I count Amy as a close friend and a person instrumental in the formation of my large group of interpreter friends. I know that she sees me for me and I appreciate that. She is able to cut through the crap and say so.

Amy, I admire you in so many ways. Ways I can't really articulate here. But know that I respect and love you. Thank you for your friendship. Thank you for your beautiful presence. You are Amy the Amazing.

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