Saturday, December 12, 2009

Mission Accomplished!

This year, with the help of a colleague of mine, I decided I wanted to do "good work" for the holiday season. One of the things we did was the toy drive which was over a couple of weeks ago and which I did not get any photos of -shoot! The other was today and I didn't get any photos but I heard that there was a photographer there and I am hoping they will share some photos.

Today, we went to an assisted living center and had a dessert/Bingo session with the residents. Several folks from work came and brought desserts and we served them to the residents and staff for what seems to have been a pretty successful event despite the weather.

I'm very happy that this event went well and that so many folks seemed to enjoy it. I know it was the right thing to do - we will continue to make inroads into the community to give back a little of what we can. This can only lead to good things.

And I'm also happy that we are done. Stressful event #4 in two weeks - not all stress is bad. I have grades due on Monday and that will be another item off the list. After that, there is just the whole Christmas holiday thing and me doing some art and reading and relaxing. I can't wait.

To my friends who have been faithfully reading - thank you. I know I have been down recently. I am actively working on changing that, so bear with me a little longer. It will all work itself out.

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