Thursday, June 17, 2010

There's No Place Like Home

I overslept this morning. I guess the wake up call doesn't really have a snooze button. I didn't pack my suitcase fully last night because I was so beat, I fell asleep on my bed with my "Lion King" script next to me and the TV on.

The meetings were good, but I should have just sprung for an extra night so that I could chill for the evening. I got to the airport later than I normally would, so I was a little stressed and I'm not feeling that great. My flight was at 8:25 pm and I got the gate at 8:22 pm, just as they were boarding. I had used the red cap for the first (and last) time because the line in the Southwest ticket area was SO FREAKING LONG... Then, they didn't have my luggage after the flight, so I had to go fill out paperwork delayed my arrival home quite a bit.

One thing I need to remember for the future - Reno and Las Vegas are SO DRY. I tend to notice even the slightest bit of dehydration at home and when I go to Reno, I always get really dried out, really fast. I didn't think about it in Vegas. Even though I was drinking water ALL DAY LONG and had bottles of water in my room for the evening and morning, on day two, my nose started bleeding off and on. By the end of the day, I would have sold my soul for some of my water from home. I didn't want to drink too much before getting on the plane because I didn't want to have to run back and forth to the bathroom 12 times on a 2 hour flight.

I'm going to bed.

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