Friday, May 8, 2009

Video Frustration and other timely topics

I'm so frustrated with the videos and my cutting and pasting. I think I know what is happening and why the videos keep being duplicates. Right now, my computer is really running slowly and when I get to YouTube and cut and paste, almost every time, the video starts, I copy the embed information and then it kind of flickers, goes back to the beginning and appears as if I had never clicked on or copied the embed. This is REALLY ANNOYING.

What I am choosing to do is to take it as a sign that I should come back to the blog and write more for my dear readers and for myself.

It has been a difficult and emotional week. I am just finishing up my second 14 hour day and I'm exhausted.

Thanks for bearing with me.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for stopping by my place and leaving such a lovely note.

    You've inspired me to do the same for my Dad (give him some of my favourite memories). His birthday is this month and I have as many 'issues' with him as I do with my Mom. I think he would be very surprised to learn that I have memories of my time spent with him that I treasure.




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