Friday, August 19, 2011

What was the last book you read?

Well, there is the problem. Honestly, the last book I read from cover to cover wasn't even memorable enough to write down. My problem is that I haven't been reading that much and I really want to. I haven't made the time - spend too much of my spare time in front of the computer.  I'm working on that.

I'm in the middle of re-reading "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", started "The Help" and I have a couple of books I'm reading in my Kindle although I can't bring them to mind because you don't see the cover when you are in the middle of the book...weird. I just realized that is another DING on eReaders.  One of the ways we reinforce our thoughts and memory of the book we are reading is by seeing the cover and the colors of the book every time we open or close it. When it is already on the page when you turn the eReader on, you don't have the same relationship with all the visual things that probably made you pick up the book in the first place.

I need about 4 more hours a day. NOT to be used for work or anything electronic and in the shape of a box.

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