Yesterday, I was thinking that sensory deprivation was sounding pretty good right about now. I have that jangly, can't calm myself stress. It is just from not taking some time off in a while. I have had a couple of days here and there, but I haven't really DETACHED from the world this year. I told someone that I thought a sensory deprivation tank like in "Altered States" without all the drugs and scariness sounded pretty good. Then, I opened up my email and there was a Living Social deal for a FLOAT SPA!!!
I'm a little scared of it, but I bought one...I'm going to try it. They have one that isn't a pod with a lid and that sounds MUCH more appealing. Seems like a crazy thing to do, but I'm not a massage person or a mani/pedi person. I'm thinking that 90 minutes of total relaxation could do me a WORLD of good. If I don't like it, I don't have to do it again. If I like it, they have like memberships. I am imagining that I have a date with the spa on Fridays after work or something.
I'll report back at a later date. I'm hoping it will be sans jangly nerves and eye twitches.
hope you're floating peaceful now:)