Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Blogging The Artist's Way at WildRumpusing

I was all set to write a note at the site "Blogging the Artist's Way" and let the participants there know that I just am not with the program right now. Then I went to Kavindra's site and read her post "Kavindra's Meandering Jaunt" and I felt so much better. I just felt relieved to know that other people find that writing the morning pages in the morning is a challenge, that I can take permission to just do it how I need to do it and it is ok.

Maybe someday I will be able to just go through the book and do it the way Julia Cameron suggests. This is not that time, but I'm also glad not to give up. I find the level of accountability to the group that is good for me - make a commitment and stick to it. This community and the Wreck this Journal Wreckers have been so wonderful and supportive, I don't want to give THEM up. :)

So, I'm going to take Kavindra's example and run with it. Here, I will be Rumpusing through the Artist's Way - somewhat at my own pace, somewhat in my own way. That's beautiful (to nod to Nablopomo's theme this month). Stay tuned.


  1. You hit the nail on the head! Commitment and community, exactly.

    You're off on a rumpus, I love it!

  2. GOOD for YOU! Take it EASY, Jean. Life's a rumpus, is it not?

  3. Rumpusing through TAW sounds so fun, too! I'm glad you're sticking with us. And didn't Julia say something about inviting us to use the book creatively, early on? That's what we're all doing.

    And I agree, Kavindra's post gave me a little boost. I didn't feel badly that I was "falling behind" anymore, but more like we all had space to be ourselves and do it our own ways, and then report back :)

  4. None of us wild women are roaring a terrible roar at you for rumpusing your own way! Morning pages and tasks ARE awesome if and when you decide to do them.
    Rumpus Rumpus!

  5. I struggle too! You will get there..Even if I don't write, I feel good that I am at least reading the book.

    It takes time.



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