Kevin and I had a conversation about how long we have been doing this. I may get this wrong, but as I recall, last year was year 16. (In 2008, I had put the wrong year when I was writing about it). I'm pretty sure that the first actual BookFest was in September of 1995 - I remember because I was starting WOU and I realized it was going to be a long time before I could read books for pleasure. If that is right, then we are coming up on Year 17!
Whether I'm right or wrong, I still think it is amazing that we have still have the fun tradition annually. It's my favorite holiday of the year.
As usual, I don't really have a plan in mind. I have a few books I'm interested in, but I never walk away with what I expected to. I know I have some old standby things that I look at, but I definitely think I will have some surprises in my pile of goodies. Perhaps I will post photos this year!
Hey, friend. I haven't visited in a while. I like the new look!