Friday, January 23, 2009

Change is a Cocoon: Unknown

"If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies." ~Author Unknown

What a grand way to look at change!  It is so hard to make true and lasting change in our lives, in the world.  But to think that at the end it might be as beautiful as a monarch butterfly - wouldn't that make us jump onboard?

I am still feeling under the weather today, but I think I was able to put all the *yuck* from yesterday into perspective.  Changing the view usually helps a bit. :)

I know that all this talk of change is probably a bit repetetive - I am trying to explore the different aspects of change as I see it, but I think, by day 23, it has become more difficult to talk about change in new or different or relevant ways.  Bear with me. :)  I'm just trying something new in the blog. 

In the spirit of changing things up for you, dear readers, I decided to send you on a journey, if you choose to take it.  When I was younger, I found a book called, "I Never Saw Another Butterfly", a book of poetry, art and stories by children who were held and most likely died at Terezin Concentration camp.  This book shows their courage and ability to maintain some hope, to cope with the most horrific circumstances and still hold a light up to the darkness.  I don't know if the story is true, but I read that when the Allied forces entered Terazin, they were going from building to building to find survivors and when they entered the children's ward, they noticed that there were strange colors in the knotholes in the wood of the building. Upon investigating, they found that the children had hidden their poems and drawings there in hopes that they would not be destroyed.

Anyway, the Holocaust Museum in Houston has a "Butterfly Project" that I think is really beautiful.  Read about it here and see if you'd like to participate.  If you do, I would love to see a photo of your handmade butterfly.  I will post them here.

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