Thursday, February 5, 2009

Structure vs. Free-Flow

So, like 4 days without a structure and I fall apart here. I was chomping at the bit to be done with last month, but I really liked having a bunch of possibilities to choose from rather than staring at the white computer screen...maybe I should put a bunch of topics in a hat and pull one out every day. :)

I knew when I saw that February's theme was WANT that I was not going to be writing much (if at all) about that. It isn't a topic that resonates with me, so I am searching for something else to write about.

A few notables:

I have only missed two days of reading since the beginning of the year - one was on January 1 and one was this past Tuesday - I was exhausted from my day with my presentation and driving for so many hours that I just fell asleep.

I am watching Buffy thru in order again (I can't even count how many times it has been). Am on Season 2 - just past Oz becoming a werewolf. Actually, I have been trying to watch that episode for 3 days now. Last night, I put it on and fell asleep. Then, I woke up at like 3:00am and I couldn't go back to sleep. I decided I would put the episode back on and I didn't even see a MINUTE of it before I was snoozing again. Weird that a vampire show would be comforting enough to let me go to sleep.

Speaking of vampires and werewolves, I have completed the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer. After a rough first start, I thoroughly enjoyed the books. I saw the movie first with a friend and I thought it was interesting enough to make me want to read the was a little too painful in that awkward, teenagers mooning at each other, way...a few too many longing glances. When I started "Twilight", I found the beginning a little slow, but I think I was impacted by the fact that I had seen the movie, so I was waiting for Bella and Edward to meet. At work, all the women are reading them and have divided firmly into two teams: Team Edward and Team Jacob. I thought I was on Team Jacob, but after completing the final novel, I realized I like both of them and I think the series had it exactly right. (No spoilers here). If you like a good romance, a good vampire story or a combination of the two, you should read these books.

Now that I am done with those books, I am looking at a couple of others that I hope will hold my interest. Tonight I have picked up, "Letter to My Daughter" by Maya Angelou. My mother gave this book to me for Christmas, so I want to dig into that. The other book I'm intrigued by is "Hannah's Dream", which I have added to my list of books I am reading in my sidebar on the blog. I'll keep you posted on my progress.

Last, but not least, I am hoping to see a movie or two this weekend. I want to see "The Reader" so badly but it is only playing in about 4 theatres around town...I also want to see "Taken" because I LOVE Liam Neeson. I haven't seen "Benjamin Button" but something holds me back on that one...I'm not sure what it is. Another on the list is "Slumdog Millionaire". Since I have such a love affair with India and want to learn more about Indian culture, etc., I think this is definitely a must-see.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yes. Just saw Slumdog Millionaire two days ago. It ROCKED. Seriously. :)



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