"So, what *8 Songs connect you to the Divine? Songs that aren’t classically “religious” or “church music” but create a harmonic bridge to all things holy. Songs that soothe the soul. Songs that encourage and shore you up. Songs that connect you to something bigger and beyond, or more deeply and truly to the here/now. What songs are just Good Medicine? Do tell…and if you have time link us to online versions and youtube videos, just for fun."
Here’s my list of *8 Songs for the Soul:
1. Breaths - Sweet Honey in the Rock
This song just enters through all your pores and settles into the cells in your body, reminding me to feel the connection we all have to everything and that no one is gone - they have just changed their form.
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2. Where the Streets Have No Name - U2
There is just something about this song that calls to me. I feel myself sink into my chair when I hear it. I always cry when I hear it. Good tears.
3. Conviction of the Heart - Kenny Loggins
"One with the earth, with the sky, one with everything in life." Need I say more?
4. Endless Night and He Lives In You - from Disney's "The Lion King"
There is just something stirring about this song. Again, the connection to the spirits of those who have gone before us. Beautiful voices, beautiful music. Stirring.
Endless Night – The Lion King Jason Raize
He Lives In You
5. Bring Him Home - from "Les Miserables"
This prayer from one of my all-time favorite shows is the epitome of Songs that Touch my Soul. I can't even remember a time when this song didn't move me.
Bring Him Home – Colm Wilkinson from 10th anniversary concert
6. Will I? - from "Rent"
This song helps me to remember the humanity of every person I meet, see, talk to. It helps me to remember that everyone wants to be loved, cared for and mourned.
7. Defying Gravity - from "Wicked"
This is an anthem for anyone who has struggled to be themselves while staring in the face of people willing them to be different. Idina Menzel's soaring vocals lift my spirits in the darkest of times.
8. The Eagle and the Hawk - John Denver (or any of his songs from the mid-1970s)
This song has been a part of me since I was 6 years old. There is something about his soaring voice evoking the soaring of the eagle and hawk that makes my own soul soar. I can't hear this song without feeling like there is some greater power in the universe.
Grrr. The everpresent VIDEO PROBLEM...It is my browser and I am too impatient. SIgh. I will change it ASAP.