Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mission Acomplished

I made myself go to Collage tonight after work. I was in the office until 7pm, so I knew I had limited time since the store was only open until 8pm. I think that was a plus for me so that I didn't feel compelled to look at e.v.e.r.y. s.i.n.g.l.e. t.h.i.n.g.

I went for the bright pink washi tape I saw in a photo on their blog, but I suspect that they had enhanced the color OR that it was all sold out by the time I got there.  For some reason, I'm not really attracted by the tapes that are just solid colors - I like the bright colors and I like the stuff that has designs.  I keep challenging myself to buy things that are "typical Jean" so that I can change up the look of some of the pages I do and whatnot, but I'm not very good at it - even when I try. I suppose I could buy something I don't particularly like, but I'm not sure I see the value in that either.

I did get some paper that was not my usual thing in terms of design - I will post photos tomorrow.  I bought one set that has circus-y stuff on it. I'm not really interested in the circus or going to the circus, movies about the circus, books about the circus (i.e. "Water for Elephants" does not interest me in the least - movie OR book even though everyone I know who has read the book LOVED IT).  I'm just trying to challenge my perspectives and broaden my range.  We'll see if it worked.

1 comment:

  1. I HATED the book "Water for Elephants". It's really poorly written, and the plot is dull. So I'm glad you're not going to read it.



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