Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Impulse Control

So, I left work today determined to go to Collage on Alberta and buy some of the Washi tape that I have been coveting. Just a couple of rolls. So, I'm in my car, cruising along I-5. The traffic is super-light for this time of day.  I'm approaching my exit. I can feel the impulse - "just go home".  I want the tape. I can do some art tonight. I want to. I have been thinking about it for three days. "Just go home. The traffic is light. It was like you were supposed to head home." I'm staring at the sign for my exit - 1/4 mile now.  I'm not slowing down. No turn signal. "Just go home." I'm getting irritated with myself - for heaven's sake - stopping will take 30 minutes max.

"Okay... You don't have to go straight home, but you should get to the other side of town. Why else would the traffic be so light. Go to Uwajimaya. They probably have Washi tape. It's right on the way." I drive on, headed for Uwajimaya. I get to my side of town and start thinking about where I need to cut over to get to the store. "I bet the store is crowded this time of day. Remember the last time you stopped at Trader Joe's at this time of day? Packed."

So, I'm sure it will not come as a surprise to anyone that I did not stop anywhere on the way home. I just went home. I'm not upset about it, I just think it is funny how easily I can quell my own impulses sometimes. I'm sure I will get there when I'm supposed to.

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