Saturday, April 30, 2011

Postcards for a friend

Just wanting to send some love to a friend who might be having a hard time right now. I was just playing around and ended up with a couple of collages. It is more just an "I'm thinking of you" gesture. I hope they help - these are just the first of several things I am trying to do for my friend.

I had already addressed it, so I edited out the address. And I remembered to leave a place for postage. :)

This is side two of the first postcard.

I didn't leave a place to address this one...I'm thinking I may send a package and stick this one inside instead of slapping a sticker on the front.

I love the saying on here:  "What if the Hokey Pokey really is what it's all about?" I thought it might make her laugh.   
As I was making these, I realized that I often pick the same kinds of magazines and they produce the same kind of images. I am trying to branch out but sometimes it is a challenge. It's funny that nothing really "goes together" and yet I always have a sense that this or that image won't look right or doesn't fit. It really is an interesting process.

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