I put the page behind a sign that changes on a daily basis. I was hoping that someone would wonder about the page and take it on its own adventure, but I will never know what happened to it.
Then I took some pictures of my beautiful pink hydrangeas, thinking I might take some petals, rub the journal in some dirt or SOMETHING.
Then the HEAT. It got up to 108 degrees (in the Pacific NW, you might as well have sent me in a rocket to the sun). I went to a hotel for three nights to stay cool. I thought I would wreck there, but I was out of my element, out of my environment and I was tired.
My LAST WEEK of Wrecking with the group and I thought, "Well, I just didn't get it done." But underneath that...I wonder if it is my subconcious way of saying that even though the journey with those friends is over, perhaps I will continue to wreck and explore my ability to overcome my creative issues.
I have imagined things I would do to my journal - like rubbing thick paint all over the cover and cutting it up to become a new book. I have always only imagined that kind of behavior, but I am GOING TO DO IT!! This isn't the end...it is merely a transition. This is the part where I say, "I can continue this journey on my own." That is HUGE. Huge steps in letting go, in creativity, in follow-through, in doing things the way I want to instead of how I am "supposed" to.
During this process, I saw so many people doing such brilliant work and I did things I never thought I could do to a book. I have plans for continuing and I think my lessons are still coming. When I saw Barbara @ Reptitude's ultimate end to her journal (burning it for a campfire and some s'mores), I realized that I might need that lesson - letting go. I'm excited for my continued wrecking and I will continue to post here on Fridays with my progress.
Here are the pictures I have - from mailing my partner's page the week before last to my losing of the page and my beautiful pink hydrangeas. Thank you Jamie Ridler at Jamie Ridler Studios for hosting The Next Chapter: Wreck this Journal and to all my new Wrecking Friends for the support, the fun and all the great Wreckreation. It has been a pleasure.
My Favorite Page exchange:

At the post office to mail my exchange page...I was a little slow, but I got it out there...
Now it is on it's way...
Losing my page...
See the black thing in the corner of the sign...That's my page!

My beautiful hydrangeas: