Friday, September 9, 2011


This week, almost every minute was like walking through quicksand. No particular reason. Maybe it was the heat. Maybe the fact that I could not sleep on Monday night, so it set me up to be ultra-tired all week. Maybe it was the training at work so we are all on "company" behavior. Maybe it was adding rehearsals and another show and the world is in chaos.  Technology has been thwarting me all week, as well.

Miraculously, I have managed to keep my sense of humor which is not always the case in weeks like this. I think maybe it is because I just realized that it is what it is - not good or bad. It just is. I still have to get up and go every day, whether I'm happy or not.  It is just as easy to be happily discombobulated as it is to be grumpy and discombobulated. I chose to be happy this week.

Tomorrow, I get to sleep in. That makes me even happier.

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