Thursday, September 1, 2011

Weekend Ahead!

I was actually smart enough or at least had the foresight to take tomorrow off and make a 3-day weekend a 4-day weekend.  I have about 800 things I want to do and way more that I NEED to do.  I'd love to say that working doesn't enter into the picture at all, but unfortunately, it does. I have a lot of work to do this weekend and that is annoying me right now.  I need to make arrangements for a 4-day weekend when I don't have to work. That seems smarter than this one.

Anyway, enough bitching. I have some days off from driving to Vancouver, a change in my routine and some extra spare time I can use to do something fun. That is not a bad thing. I will enjoy it.  And do some work, unencumbered by my other work. It will all come out fine in the end.

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