Monday, August 16, 2010

Report on Day 1 Back to Work

I didn't really put any energy into dreading my return to work yesterday. I don't hate my job - I find it challenging and frustrating and sometimes I wish it were less routine, but all in all, I'm pretty satisfied for the most part. I like the people I work with directly and I like the people I work with via AIM and the phone, so that's good.  Being sick yesterday really took most of my energy and focused it onto the thing I needed most - sleep.

So, today, I returned to work (after picking up some antibiotics) and it was fine. A little overwhelming to try to catch up with what happened and be on the right page for today, but fine.  When I got home, I logged into Facebook and I was struck by how down people seem to be about Mondays, about work, about the whole day. It made me happy that I am doing something that I feel I am good at, that I feel I can do good for others. Then I saw a post from a friend I know from my telecourse and her blog, A Dare A Day, and I knew what I wanted to write about. I hadn't even read the posting - just the quote that accompanied it:  "Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it!  Because what the world needs is people who come alive!!!" -- Howard Thurman

The quote is from this site: Work Happier. Live Happier. 

I'm not even necessarily endorsing the site or anything - I'm off to read the whole posting, but I wanted to share my thoughts on this. I do believe that this is a case of putting out into the world what you want to get back. I don't want Mondays to be miserable. I don't want any day to be miserable, so I'm trying to just focus on all the good things and all the things I want for my days. I think it helps.  Today it did, anyway. 

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