Now that I work in an office setting and I work Monday through Friday, for the most part, I completely understand looking forward to Friday. It isn't that I don't like my job, but by Friday, I'm so ready not to have to get up at that time, get in the shower in a hurry, drive an hour and work all day. It is the breaking of the routine for me that is most significant.
The Memorial Day Weekend is upon us. It is supposed to be nice, too. I may drive down to the Iris fields in Keizer and pick up some flowers for Roby. I used to be more diligent about keeping flowers up there for him, but once the ownership changed hands, they decided that the cemetary was supposed to look like a park and they didn't want any "memorobilia" littering the gravesites. It kind of pissed everyone off and Shirlee took all the stuff we had up there down. I haven't really been up there much since - only for his birthday and the anniversary date. I think I'm due.
Here's where I go:

Here's a photo of the place from

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