So, I had a VIP at work which interrupted my plans for the potlucky thing - I'm not a good multi-tasker... It was a busy and long day and at the end of the day (when I should have been at the get-together), I realized I hadn't had anything to eat or drink since about 7:30am...then I drove to a strange place, my headlight is out, it was raining/snowing and then there was a construction sign over the street sign I was looking for. I realized I had gone to far when I saw the sign that said, "Now leaving Milwaukie", so I turned around, went to a lighted location to read my mapquest directions. No, I do not have GPS. And my cell phone battery was dead. I turned back and it started to spit I finally found the place (an hour and a half late), I drove by and didn't see any cars I recognized and the lights were really dim. Paranoid, I think, "What if they cancelled because of the weather or a sick kid or??? I won't know because my cell phone battery is dead and I don't have Facebook on it anyway, which is where the invitation was in the first place. And if the weather gets worse, what if I get stuck? Run out of gas? Have a flat tire? No one will be able to find me. I won't have any way to call for help..." On it went. I couldn't walk up to the door and have them say, "Didn't you get the cancellation?" I just couldn't.
After I got home, ate some dinner, relaxed for a few minutes, I realized that food and water are important parts of the day for a reason. And a reminder: Always charge your cell phone the night before you go to an unknown location. Duh.
I know all of this. I just forgot. My brain hurts today, but at least I figured it out. More of the same tomorrow so I am loading up on a power bar or two in my purse, a good breakfast set up and I'll be good to go. :)
Here's a little bit from "Pirates" that explains the storyline and Leap Year: